In-Person and Virtual Ag Day Opportunities
October 9, 2020 /
October 9, 2020 /
October 9, 2020 /

The Washington Pavilion in Sioux Falls has a huge draw throughout the year (in person and on social media) including significant exposure to students, youth, and consumers seeking more information about things including how their food is produced and where it comes from. This year they have been more challenged by limitations on events and traffic through the museum, so we were eager to partner with them providing resources as they launched a new way to promote agriculture throughout the region with their “Virtual Ag Day”. See links below for some new additions to our promotional efforts that the Washington Pavilion distributed to over 50,000 followers on their various social media platforms.
In-Person and Virtual Ag Day Opportunities Ag Day | October 10 Washington Pavilion Virtual Ag Day Opportunities | Available Online The Comfort of Your Own Home Ag Day is this Saturday, October 10 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Washington Pavilion! Learn about agriculture’s significance in our state and beyond with fun and educational activities. Thanks to generous Ag Day sponsors, admission to the Kirby Science Discovery Center and Visual Arts Center is FREE. In addition to our in-person Ag Day event here at our facility, we are so pleased to have sponsor Midwest Dairy providing amazing and fun online ag-related educational resources for our community to enjoy at home or school. Take a virtual tour of a dairy operation, learn about farming and food and find out how you can ‘Adopt a Cow!’ More Info |